Všetky produkty

Čističe kobercov, parné čističe, čističe škvŕn a robotické vysávače, automatické čistiace roboty, váš partner na domáce upratovanie pre lepší život vašej rodiny.


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V predaji
UWANT EuropeUWANT D100 Wet And Dry Vacuum CleanerUWANT EuropeUWANT D100 Wet And Dry Vacuum Cleaner
Mokrý a suchý vysávač UWANT D100 Predajná cenaOd€269,99 Bežná cena€369,99
UWANT EuropeUWANT B200 SE Quiet Clean Spot Cleaner Carpet Cleaner(On Sale Oct 9, 9 AM)Spot CleanerUWANT EuropeUWANT B200 SE Quiet Clean Spot Cleaner Carpet Cleaner(On Sale Oct 9, 9 AM)Spot Cleaner
UWANT B200 SE Quiet Clean Spot Cleaner Čistič kobercov Predajná cena€107,99 Bežná cena€119,99
UWANT EuropeUWANT B200 SE SET(With Cleaning Solution)(On Sale Oct 9, 9 AM!)UWANT EuropeUWANT B200 SE SET(With Cleaning Solution)(On Sale Oct 9, 9 AM!)
UWANT B200 SE SET (s čistiacim roztokom) Predajná cena€115,99 Bežná cena€137,98
UWANT EuropeUWANT B100 Carpet Cleaner Spot CleanerSpot CleanerUWANT EuropeUWANT B100 Carpet Cleaner Spot CleanerSpot Cleaner
UWANT B100 čistič kobercov Čistič škvŕn Predajná cena€119,99 Bežná cena€169,99
VypredanéV predaji
UWANT EuropeUWANT B100 Spot Cleaner SET (With Cleaning Solution and Wide Brush)Spot Cleaner
UWANT EuropeUWANT B100 Spot Cleaner SET (WIth Cleaning Solution)Spot Cleaner
UWANT B100 SADA čističa škvŕn (s čistiacim roztokom) Predajná cenaOd€132,99 Bežná cena€157,98
UWANT EuropeUWANT B100 Spot Cleaner SET (With Wide Brush)
UWANT B100 SADA čističov škvŕn (so širokou kefou) Predajná cena€165,99 Bežná cena€169,98
SET UWANT B100&M300 Predajná cena€204,99 Bežná cena€249,98
V predaji
UWANT EuropeUWANT B200 Steam Cleaner SET (With Cleaning Solution)Spot CleanerUWANT EuropeUWANT B200 Steam Cleaner SET (With Cleaning Solution)Spot Cleaner
SADA parného čističa UWANT B200 (s čistiacim roztokom) Predajná cenaOd€267,99 Bežná cena€317,98
UWANT EuropeUWANT B200 Steam Cleaner SET (With Steam Brush and Cleaning Solution)Spot CleanerUWANT EuropeUWANT B200 Steam Cleaner SET (With Steam Brush and Cleaning Solution)Spot Cleaner
UWANT EuropeUWANT B200 Steam Cleaner SET (With Steam Brush)Spot CleanerUWANT EuropeUWANT B200 Steam Cleaner SET (With Steam Brush)Spot Cleaner
SADA parného čističa UWANT B200 (s parnou kefou) Predajná cena€293,99 Bežná cena€349,98
UWANT EuropeUWANT B200 Steam Cleaner Spot CleanerSpot CleanerUWANT EuropeUWANT B200 Steam Cleaner Spot CleanerSpot Cleaner
Parný čistič UWANT B200 Čistič škvŕn Predajná cena€255,99 Bežná cena€329,99
UWANT EuropeUWANT B200&M300 SETSpot CleanerUWANT EuropeUWANT B200&M300 SETSpot Cleaner
SET UWANT B200&M300 Predajná cena€335,99 Bežná cena€409,98
UWANT EuropeUWANT M300 Mattress Vacuum CleanerMite Vacuum CleanerUWANT EuropeUWANT M300 Mattress Vacuum CleanerMite Vacuum Cleaner
Vysávač matracov UWANT M300 Predajná cena€93,49 Bežná cena€139,99
UWANT EuropeUWANT H100 High Speed Ionic Hair DryerHairdryerUWANT EuropeUWANT H100 High Speed Ionic Hair DryerHairdryer
Vysokorýchlostný iónový fén UWANT H100 Predajná cena€84,99 Bežná cena€99,99
UWANT EuropeUWANT U200 Pro Smart Robot Vacuum & Mop CleanerRobotUWANT EuropeUWANT U200 Pro Smart Robot Vacuum & Mop CleanerRobot
Inteligentný robotický vysávač a mop UWANT U200 Pro Predajná cena€759,99 Bežná cena€969,99
UWANT EuropeUWANT U200 Smart Robot Vacuum & Mop CleanerRobotUWANT EuropeUWANT U200 Smart Robot Vacuum & Mop CleanerRobot
Inteligentný robotický vysávač a mop UWANT U200 Predajná cena€759,00 Bežná cena€799,00
UWANT EuropeUWANT U100 Smart Robot Vacuum & Mop CleanerRobotUWANT EuropeUWANT U100 Smart Robot Vacuum & Mop CleanerRobot
Inteligentný robotický vysávač a mop UWANT U100 Predajná cena€339,99 Bežná cena€399,99
UWANT EuropeUWANT U100 Lite Smart Robot Vacuum & Mop CleanerUWANT EuropeUWANT U100 Lite Smart Robot Vacuum & Mop Cleaner
Inteligentný robotický vysávač a mop UWANT U100 Lite Predajná cena€254,99 Bežná cena€299,99
UWANT EuropeUWANT V100 Cordless Vacuum CleanerVacuum CleanerUWANT EuropeUWANT V100 Cordless Vacuum CleanerVacuum Cleaner
Akumulátorový vysávač UWANT V100 Predajná cena€287,29 Bežná cena€337,99